Friday, November 7, 2014

The Doctor Will See You Now

CISD implemented Instructional Rounds this year.  Although it has been fast paced our District Admin has done an impressive job with training and support for our campuses.  And, we all know there is no time to waste so we just jumped right in.  Our first "instructional rounds" was completed in October. Using the results/data from these observations our Campus Leadership Team created a Momentum Plan with goals and action steps to take for meeting them.  (See Below)

JJE teachers are continuing their study of Bloom's and how to weave it into all aspects of lesson designing.  The areas we are focusing on are the questions we ask and the student responses. The Momentum Plan calls for a "study" so we worked with a chapter from the book "Teaching For Excellence" by Spence Rogers.  Chapter 15  highlighted questioning techniques that work. So far, there has been lots of positive feedback from our teams.

The next action step our teachers took was really exciting. They paired up to conduct peer observations.  Each teacher paired with a teacher from a different grade level and observed each other. They scripted questions the teacher asked and student responses given.  Then, time was spent discussing and ranking which level of Bloom's the questions were on.  A rubric was created from the district for evaluating student responses.

Stay tuned for more on this journey...this week we complete our one-on-one (Principal/Teacher) conferences.  My teachers review their 'personal rounds' data with me and we continue the dialogue on how to keep moving forward. 

Rounds Momentum Plan – Visit #1
Campus :  Joy James Elementary

Questions:  89% posed were at the two lower levels of Bloom’s (R & U) --- 11% at higher levels (Apply and higher)
Student Responses:  79% of student responses were at level 1(3 words or less; 5 seconds or less)  19% were at level2 (complete sentences, used content vocab, explained thinking)  2% were at level 3(justified answers, gave examples etc.)
Classroom Talk:  Teacher is talking approx. 58% of the time vs. Students talking 29% of the time.
Tasks:  Time measurement showed that 63% of time was in small groups -- 35% whole group -- 2% individual work

Short Term Targets/Goals:
#1—Student responses at Level 2 will increase from 19% to 30%  (complete sentences, content vocab, explain thinking)
#2—Questions posed will be fewer in quantity but higher in quality with an increase from 11% to 20% at the higher Bloom’s Levels(A,A,E,C).
Evidence of meeting the above targets will be measured during the November District Level Rounds.
Long term Goals: 
#1—Student responses at Level 2 will increase to 60% 
#2—Questions posed will be fewer in quantity but higher in quality with an increase to 30% at the higher Bloom’s Levels(A,A,E,C).

Study/ Professional Development:
Peer observations—modeled after the District Instructional Rounds format.   Feedback sheet will be completed and turned into Mrs. Turner after a team debrief.
Request “Math Questioning Training” for all teachers. Training will be given by Amy Shields.
Faculty Meeting Redesigned--Article studies at each faculty meeting that reinforce questioning techniques and how to elicit elaborated student responses.  Provide more opportunities for teachers to practice identifying the levels of questions.  Offer more exposure and training for teachers with Digital Blooms Taxonomy.
  Article #1 – Chapter 15 from “Teaching for Excellence” by Spence Rogers
                        Questioning Techniques that Work
Independent Videotaping -- with peer coach or individually

Internal Rounds Plan:
Peer Coaches will complete observations & debrief with each other during the week of
October 27th-31st.  Personal debrief/data meetings will be held with Mrs. Turner/Mrs. Shea during the week of November 3rd-7th. 

Just Say No...

It's that time of year where we focus on saying "No!" to drugs and all other toxins that society puts in their bodies.  I was proud of our JJE team and the efforts they have taken to send this message more than just during Red Ribbon Week.  Through mentoring programs, after school clubs and consistent guidance lessons we are doing our best to instill the confidence to say "no" every single day.  Reality is that our children see it every day in some form or fashion--not just in October.  However, in the name of having a little fun while we learn...check out some of our pics from the week.  Most are from Friday's Storybook Parade. Our 3rd-5th grade classes adopted PK-2nd grade classes and did "book studies" with them.  The theme was "It Takes Character to Say No...". the culminating event was our Parade.  Enjoy...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Digital Leadership-Communication (Part II)

One highlight of Ch. 5 (in the book Digital Leadership) that needs further mentioning is the rethinking of our communication with parents. We're all busy, so are they! Sheninger gave an example of how a Principal held a "virtual" parent meeting. Fourteen parents came in person, forty signed in virtually. How many parents do we have  without cars, babysitters, etc.?  This is the epitome of meeting parents where they are!  My counselor and I have already discussed how to implement this into our "Coffee with the Counselor" meetings as well as other learning opportunities being offer for parents/families throughout the year. This idea for using technology as a resource has me much more excited than intimidated!  Our district has the resources, our parents have the desire but lack the time -- why not create a win-win situation?

Digital Leadership-Comminication

Our District has challenged us to read Digital Leadership by Eric Sheninger over our summer break.  Friends, this is not just another book on our's great! It is very applicable and I believe it will help us truly jump right into this 21st Century mindset and prepare our students for a digital world.  Which, I think they are already in and we are trying to catch up. :)

My team's assignment was Chapter 5--Communication.  Instead of re-summarizing our work, I will link it here for you to view via an e-maze, digital presentation.

Oh my goodness...I created this link--by myself just for you! I am a little embarrassed to admit this level of competency, but it's honest and as I mentioned in prior entries, by following my posts, you be joining me on the journey to technological independence. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

My Digital Rating--ISTE and NETSA

Today in our digital-age training we had to rate ourselves on our digital proficiency.  This is always difficult for me...Why? Because I am strong at promoting an environment that empowers teachers to enhance student learning with digital resources.  My campus is always reaching above and beyond goals due to high standards set with the infusion of technology.  Standing out front of others--pushing/leading towards higher grounds--I look like I am very proficient.  However, put me in a room by myself and I feel very needy. My independent, technology skills need improving!  I guess this is proof that "social leaning" is important! :)

The five areas we had to rate ourselves in were: 1.  Visionary Leadership  2. Digital-age Learning environment  3. Excellence in Professional Practices  4. Systemic Improvement
5. Digital Citizenship

One thing I'm proud of is the digital presentation my team made! We used  It was easier than I thought and made a great presentation. I can't wait to see the other resources from the other teams. You can view them for yourself on the CISD homepage. I'm excited about infusing these resources into our campus faculty meetings & trainings.  I have gained a little confidence through this activity.  Maybe that advice of "making time" was better than I thought. :) 

BTW...I figured out how to post this blog all by myself over a month after the training! I come. :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Futuristic Frustration

OK! after quite some time and a few fits of frustration I have finally been able to create a "blog".  I'm not sure why everything I do seems so complicated when people at my table(DigitalWorkshop)fly right though things!  Anyways...It's done and here we go. 

CISD started a "Digital Academy" for it's Principals and other district leaders and I have come a long way! To give you an idea of what a "long way" means--I now know it's a Twitter Account used for Tweeting(not the other way around). I actually can use Tweetdeck and am not feeling such a "twit" these days...So now you know I still have a LONG way to go!!  But...

I have committed to jumping into this digital world and moving forward...please join me if you want some laughs--or someone to laugh at--as I track my own and my campus's digital journey this year.  :)